"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
- Maria Montessori


kindergartenKindergarten students are taught from five different categories including practical life, sensorial, language, math and cultural studies. Read below for more details.

Practical Life – In this category, students learn independence and how to gain respect for themselves and those surrounding them. Caring for reptiles, fish and other animals is a part of this area, as well as gardening and cooking.

Sensorial – In this category, the children will experience all five senses through learning how to distinguish colors, textures, sounds, forms, tastes and odors.  

Language – This section includes phonetically based materials for oral articulation, writing and reading.

Math – Students learn tangible symbolic materials. This includes a built-in error control that will guide them to abstractions.

Cultural Studies – This section includes history, art, zoology, geography and botany. The students will use puzzle maps to recognize the continents. They will also learn cultural highlights from each country. Other subjects that are included in this category are:

  • Solar systems
  • Weather
  • Seasons
  • The human body
  • Mammals
  • Reptiles
  • Amphibians
  • Time lines
  • And much more

Kindergarten Activities

The kindergarten field trips are planned for the year that coordinate with the cultural activities taught in the classroom. Throughout the course of the year, we have students present their cultural ancestry and traditions. We encourage parents to participate. A unit study that is involved in each classroom is our annual International Festival. This event is a memorable time, as each student presents native dance, songs and more as their classroom turns into national exhibits for the country they have learned about. Numerous extra curricular activities are also available, including:

  • Culinary
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Music
  • New Language (with Spanish & Mandarin Chinese activities included once per week)

*These classes are offered to students 3 and up.

More Details

Our classes are taught by a credentialed Montessori Head Teacher and a full-time assistant. The kindergarten is a full day program, 8:00 – 3:00. Extended childcare is also available for additional cost from 7:30 – 6:00. Lunchtime is 11:30 – 12:00. A snack is given each day and there is a microwave in each classroom.